Cooperative Consulting
Our experienced team of consultants can assist your group through the development, launch, and operation of your cooperative.
Our consulting services can take your group through the entire cooperative development process, step-by-step.
Or, choose to focus on specifics, like facilitated project management, legal structure assistance, or help crafting member agreements.
We can also provide referrals to other experts, outline research topics, assist with problem-solving, and provide guidance on next steps.
Our services are tailored to each group's needs, but we have outlined our core offerings here:
Education & Training
Cooperative 101 and 102 training for your group
Training for your founding board in democratic decision-making and alternative organizational structures
Training for your members in cooperative values, governance, and management
Organizational Development
Assistance with setting up governance structure, incorporation, and drafting of bylaws
Close connections and advice during throughout the launch period
Training and engagement with strategic planning once in business
Business Development
Facilitated discussions regarding your business concept
Assistance with developing a project management plan and budget
A general feasibility assessment and connection to partners who can undertake a more detailed study
Referrals to partners who can help you create in-depth market research as well as business and marketing plans
Assistance in planning for your cooperative’s launch
Help implementing your business and marketing plans
Member Development
Detailed discussions regarding membership and membership development, and assistance developing member agreements and defining member benefits
Development of a new member orientation program
Help determining member contributions and investment
Funding Plan Development
Research on and development of funding sources for your cooperative
General information on the financial aspects of your business
Connections to partners who can provide more detailed strategies for raising funds, links to alternative funders, and information on grant programs
Assistance with developing a funding plan in the context of a cooperative structure
Help making decisions about member equity programs
Assistance with identifying investors
Get started!
Click the button below to fill out a request for assistance form and one of our consultants will be in touch with your group within 72 hours.
Interested groups must demonstrate a need for in-depth consultation and the ability for follow-through.