Helpful Links
We’re always adding to our list of partners and resources! Here are some helpful links to get you started on your journey.
DreamSpring | DreamSpring works with a diverse group of business owners, each with unique needs and circumstances. They are often able to provide loans when traditional sources cannot.
Indigenous Cooperative and Business Development
American Indian Business Enterprise (AIBE) program at Arrowhead Center
AIBE provides an abundance of services and a number of potential resources ranging from funding opportunities, free online business training, one-on-one business advising, and access to over 50 professional advisors including accountants, intellectual property, and business attorneys.
Beginning the Cooperative Journey Together: A Guide to Indigenous Community Cooperative Development Minnesota Indigenous Business Alliance (MNIBA) and our partner Cooperative Development Services (CDS).
Authored by MNIBA, with content and editing support from CDS, this Guide is intended to support collective and cooperative approaches within Indigenous communities.
First Nations Development Institute
First Nations improves economic conditions for Native Americans through direct financial grants, technical assistance & training, and advocacy & policy.
Chestnut Law Offices, P.A. (CLO)
Located in Albuquerque, Chestnut Law Office is uniquely experienced in cooperative business and housing law. Their general business law practice includes comprehensive services for cooperatives and people/organizations interested in forming them.
National Associations of Cooperatives:
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives (NCFC)
NCFC’s mission is to advance the business and policy interests of America’s cooperatives and other farmer-owned enterprises.
National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA CLUSA)
NCBA CLUSA is the primary voice in the United States for people who use cooperatives to build a better world.
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)
NRECA, the service organization for America's electric cooperatives, works to promote and support co-ops and to champion their business model.
National Telephone Cooperative Association (NTCA)
NTCA is the premier national advocate and essential partner for small, rural, community-based telecommunications providers.
United States Federation of Worker Cooperatives (USFWC
USFWC is the national grassroots membership organization for worker cooperatives. Their mission is to build a thriving cooperative movement of stable, empowering jobs through worker-ownership. They advance worker-owned, -managed, and -governed workplaces through cooperative education, advocacy and development.
The Federation includes more than 200 business and organizational members representing 6,000 workers across the country. They organize through local cooperative networks while building power with national and international partners to advance an agenda for economic justice rooted in community-based, shared ownership.
Credit Union National Association
New Mexico Business and Community Resources:
Encuentro engages with Latino immigrant families in educational and career development opportunities that build skills for economic and social justice.
New Mexico Small Business Development Center (NMSBDC)
The NMSBDC Network State Office is located on the campus of the Santa Fe Community College in Santa Fe, NM. The program provides no-cost business consulting and low or no cost business training to entrepreneurs throughout the state. Strategically located in 26 communities throughout New Mexico, NMSBDC’s consultants have helped to create more than 9682 new businesses in the state since 1991. Entrepreneurs have access to experts in all aspects from accounting to social media, and franchising to e-commerce.
One Albuquerque | #BuyLocal Initiative
In July of 2018, Mayor Keller announced the #BuyLocal Initiative, which is aimed to increase the amount of business the City does with local businesses. This means awarding City contracts to local vendors for goods and services. Every City department is instructed to identify contracts that can be fulfilled by a local vendor. This is an ongoing effort.
Are you are local business and want to do business with the City? Click for a list of What the City Buys or information on City procurement processes, registering to become a City vendor, and contract opportunities.
SCORE Albuquerque
SCORE provides volunteer business mentoring; business tools, templates and tips; and inexpensive or free business workshops and webinars for free or very low cost.
South Valley Economic Development Center | Small Business Support
This program offers a wide range of trainings, services and networking events that are recognized as essential for new and existing entrepreneurs. Partner organizations help support these trainings by providing classes and networking opportunities that allow your small business to grow, expand, and network.
WESST is a statewide small business development and training organization committed to growing New Mexico’s economy by cultivating entrepreneurship.