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2023 Events
ALTSD RFP Caregiver Cooperative Business Developer
The State of New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department has announced a Request for Proposals for a Caregiver Cooperative Business Developer. Proposals are due: February 10, 2023.
View the RFP here:
ALTSD has assigned a Procurement Manager who is responsible for the conduct of this procurement whose name, address, telephone number and e-mail address are listed below:
Name: Marlene Acosta, Procurement Manager
Telephone: (505) 469-0311
Any inquiries or requests regarding this procurement should be submitted, in writing, to the Procurement Manager. Offerors may contact ONLY the Procurement Manager regarding this procurement. Other state employees or Evaluation Committee members do not have the authority to respond on behalf of the ALTSD.
National Home Care Cooperatives Conference
Home care worker cooperative members and developers will gather at the 6th Annual National Home Care Cooperative Conference on March 8 - March 11, 2022 in Dulles, Virginia. The conference is organized by the Cooperative Development Foundation. Information on scholarships will become available in October 2021.
Panel Discussion: Hear from Home Care Co-op Owners from around the U.S.
Join CCNM and the New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department on November 18th for a panel discussion featuring home care worker-owners from co-ops across the country.
You’ll hear all about what it's like to work for and own a cooperative business with other caregivers. We will start with a brief introduction to cooperatives, and then co-op members will share more about some of the advantages and challenges of this unique model. We'll leave plenty of time for questions from the audience. This event is free and open to the public, but advance registration is required. This event will be presented in both English and Spanish. ASL interpretation will be available. [ Please register here ]
Download flyer
English Español
Co-op 101
Join Co-op Catalyst and the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center for a free virtual workshop on co-op basics. You’ll learn what a co-op is, how co-ops differ from traditional businesses, and what tools are available to get you started on your co-op journey.
Ag co-ops 101 - for Indigenous farmers and ranchers
Join Co-op Catalyst and the Dine Community Development Corporation for an intro to agriculture co-ops that is uniquely geared to Indigenous producers.
You’ll learn all of the cooperative basics in this workshop - what an co-op is, how they differ from regular businesses, and ways to get started building one in your community. We will share examples of successful Indigenous-owned co-ops and briefly discuss the benefits of cooperatives for Indigenous communities. This event will be later interpreted in Navajo language, and recorded live for repeat viewing purposes if connectivity and streaming are a challenge.
Home Care Cooperatives: Opportunities for New Mexico’s caregivers (Evening session)
Español Abajo
Join the Aging and Long-Term Services Department and the Cooperative Catalyst of New Mexico on June 29th at 10am MT and at 5pm MT to learn about caregiving cooperatives.
With a higher than average senior population and more than double the national average proportion of residents living with disabilities, home care is a vital service to the people of New Mexico.
The cooperative business model offers a new way for caregivers to work in this essential industry – in agencies they own themselves. As members of a democratic workplace, caregivers make decisions together and have a say in how their co-op operates.
In this webinar, we will look at how homecare co-ops benefit the caregivers, the clients, and the community. We'll discuss their particular appeal for rural areas and explore current opportunities for developing these kinds of businesses in New Mexico.
What you’ll learn:
What is a cooperative?
Home care cooperatives - how are they different from an agency?
Who can be a member of a co-op?
Are there any benefits of being a member?
What is the process of being a member?
Do members have any responsibilities?
What opportunities and resources are available in New Mexico to develop these types of businesses?
You’ll hear from:
Cabinet Secretary for Aging and Long-Term Services Katrina Hotrum-Lopez on why and how the state plans to support formal and familial caregivers for the long-haul and why rural caregiver cooperatives are essential for the future of New Mexico.
Cooperative Catalyst’s Co-Director Caitlin Kundrat on cooperative basics and how to get started.
About Aging and Long-Term Services Department: The Aging and Long Term Services Department (ALTSD) provides accessible, integrated services to older adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers, to assist them in maintaining their independence, dignity, autonomy, health, safety, and economic well-being, thereby empowering them to live on their own terms in their own communities as productively as possible.
About the Cooperative Catalyst of New Mexico: The Cooperative Catalyst of New Mexico's (CCNM) mission is to improve the lives of people in the Southwest by catalyzing community-led enterprise, upholding cooperative values, and fostering a healthy cooperative ecosystem. We serve as a resource for individuals, groups, companies, and other organizations interested in forming, converting to, or growing cooperatives. Attendees of this event will have the opportunity to schedule free consulting and coaching with CCNM's cooperative development specialists.
This webinar will be presented in Spanish and in English. Closed captioning will be available.
Acompañe al Aging and Long-Term Services Department y a Cooperative Catalyst of New Mexico el 29 de junio a las 10am MT y a las 5pm MT para aprender sobre las cooperativas que brindan cuidado de la salud.
Con una población de personas mayores superior a la media y más del doble de la proporción media nacional de residentes que viven con discapacidades, la atención domiciliaria es un servicio vital para los habitantes de Nuevo México
El modelo empresarial de las cooperativas ofrece una nueva manera para que los cuidadores trabajen en este sector esencial, en las agencias de las que son propietarios. Como miembros de un lugar de trabajo democrático, los cuidadores toman decisiones juntos y tienen voz en el funcionamiento de su organización.
En este seminario en línea, veremos cómo las cooperativas del cuidado a domicilio benefician a los cuidadores, a los clientes y a la comunidad. Hablaremos de su atractivo particular para las zonas rurales y exploraremos las oportunidades actuales para desarrollar estos tipos de negocios en Nuevo México.
——> Para inscribirse en Eventbrite<——
Lo que aprenderá:
¿Qué es una cooperativa?
Cooperativas del cuidado domiciliario: ¿en qué se diferencian de una agencia?
¿Quién puede ser socio de una cooperativa?
¿Tiene alguna ventaja ser socio?
¿Cuál es el proceso para ser socio?
¿Tienen los socios alguna responsabilidad?
¿Qué oportunidades y recursos están disponibles en Nuevo México para desarrollar estos tipos de negocios?
Escuchará a:
La Secretaria del Gabinete para el Envejecimiento y los Servicios a Largo Plazo, Katrina Hotrum-López explicar por qué y cómo planea el estado apoyar a largo plazo a los cuidadores formales y familiares y por qué las cooperativas de cuidadores rurales son esenciales para el futuro de Nuevo México.
La co-directora de Cooperative Catalyst Caitlin Kundrat hablar sobre los fundamentos de las cooperativas y de cómo empezar.
Acerca del Departamento de Envejecimiento y Servicios a Largo Plazo: El Aging and Long Term Services Department (ALTSD por sus siglas en inglés) proporciona servicios accesibles e integrados a los adultos mayores, adultos con discapacidades y a los cuidadores, para ayudarles a mantener su independencia, dignidad, autonomía, salud, seguridad y bienestar económico, permitiéndoles así vivir según sus propias condiciones y en sus comunidades de la forma más productiva posible.
Acerca del Cooperative Catalyst de Nuevo México: La misión de The Cooperative Catalyst of New Mexico's (CCNM por sus siglas en inglés) es mejorar la vida de los habitantes del suroeste impulsando a las empresas dirigidas por la comunidad, defendiendo los valores de las cooperativas y fomentando un ecosistema cooperativo saludable. Servimos como recurso para individuos, grupos, empresas y otras organizaciones interesadas en formar, convertir o hacer crecer cooperativas. Los asistentes a este evento tendrán la oportunidad de programar consultoría y entrenamiento gratuitos con los especialistas en desarrollo de cooperativas de CCNM.
Este seminario en línea se presentará en español y en inglés. Habrá subtítulos disponibles.
Home Care Cooperatives: Opportunities for New Mexico’s caregivers (Morning Session)
Español Abajo
Join the Aging and Long-Term Services Department and the Cooperative Catalyst of New Mexico on June 29th at 10am MT and at 5pm MT to learn about caregiving cooperatives.
With a higher than average senior population and more than double the national average proportion of residents living with disabilities, home care is a vital service to the people of New Mexico.
The cooperative business model offers a new way for caregivers to work in this essential industry – in agencies they own themselves. As members of a democratic workplace, caregivers make decisions together and have a say in how their co-op operates.
In this webinar, we will look at how homecare co-ops benefit the caregivers, the clients, and the community. We'll discuss their particular appeal for rural areas and explore current opportunities for developing these kinds of businesses in New Mexico.
What you’ll learn:
What is a cooperative?
Home care cooperatives - how are they different from an agency?
Who can be a member of a co-op?
Are there any benefits of being a member?
What is the process of being a member?
Do members have any responsibilities?
What opportunities and resources are available in New Mexico to develop these types of businesses?
You’ll hear from:
Cabinet Secretary for Aging and Long-Term Services Katrina Hotrum-Lopez on why and how the state plans to support formal and familial caregivers for the long-haul and why rural caregiver cooperatives are essential for the future of New Mexico.
Cooperative Catalyst’s Co-Director Caitlin Kundrat on cooperative basics and how to get started.
About Aging and Long-Term Services Department: The Aging and Long Term Services Department (ALTSD) provides accessible, integrated services to older adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers, to assist them in maintaining their independence, dignity, autonomy, health, safety, and economic well-being, thereby empowering them to live on their own terms in their own communities as productively as possible.
About the Cooperative Catalyst of New Mexico:
The Cooperative Catalyst of New Mexico's (CCNM) mission is to improve the lives of people in the Southwest by catalyzing community-led enterprise, upholding cooperative values, and fostering a healthy cooperative ecosystem. We serve as a resource for individuals, groups, companies, and other organizations interested in forming, converting to, or growing cooperatives. Attendees of this event will have the opportunity to schedule free consulting and coaching with CCNM's cooperative development specialists.
This webinar will be presented in Spanish and in English. Closed captioning will be available.
Acompañe al Aging and Long-Term Services Department y a Cooperative Catalyst of New Mexico el 29 de junio a las 10am MT y a las 5pm MT para aprender sobre las cooperativas que brindan cuidado de la salud.
Con una población de personas mayores superior a la media y más del doble de la proporción media nacional de residentes que viven con discapacidades, la atención domiciliaria es un servicio vital para los habitantes de Nuevo México
El modelo empresarial de las cooperativas ofrece una nueva manera para que los cuidadores trabajen en este sector esencial, en las agencias de las que son propietarios. Como miembros de un lugar de trabajo democrático, los cuidadores toman decisiones juntos y tienen voz en el funcionamiento de su organización.
En este seminario en línea, veremos cómo las cooperativas del cuidado a domicilio benefician a los cuidadores, a los clientes y a la comunidad. Hablaremos de su atractivo particular para las zonas rurales y exploraremos las oportunidades actuales para desarrollar estos tipos de negocios en Nuevo México.
Lo que aprenderá:
¿Qué es una cooperativa?
Cooperativas del cuidado domiciliario: ¿en qué se diferencian de una agencia?
¿Quién puede ser socio de una cooperativa?
¿Tiene alguna ventaja ser socio?
¿Cuál es el proceso para ser socio?
¿Tienen los socios alguna responsabilidad?
¿Qué oportunidades y recursos están disponibles en Nuevo México para desarrollar estos tipos de negocios?
——> Para inscribirse en Eventbrite<——
Escuchará a:
La Secretaria del Gabinete para el Envejecimiento y los Servicios a Largo Plazo, Katrina Hotrum-López explicar por qué y cómo planea el estado apoyar a largo plazo a los cuidadores formales y familiares y por qué las cooperativas de cuidadores rurales son esenciales para el futuro de Nuevo México.
Las co-directoras de Cooperative Catalyst, Bijiibah Begaye y Caitlin Kundrat hablar sobre los fundamentos de las cooperativas y de cómo empezar.
Acerca del Departamento de Envejecimiento y Servicios a Largo Plazo: El Aging and Long Term Services Department (ALTSD por sus siglas en inglés) proporciona servicios accesibles e integrados a los adultos mayores, adultos con discapacidades y a los cuidadores, para ayudarles a mantener su independencia, dignidad, autonomía, salud, seguridad y bienestar económico, permitiéndoles así vivir según sus propias condiciones y en sus comunidades de la forma más productiva posible.
Acerca del Cooperative Catalyst de Nuevo México: La misión de The Cooperative Catalyst of New Mexico's (CCNM por sus siglas en inglés) es mejorar la vida de los habitantes del suroeste impulsando a las empresas dirigidas por la comunidad, defendiendo los valores de las cooperativas y fomentando un ecosistema cooperativo saludable. Servimos como recurso para individuos, grupos, empresas y otras organizaciones interesadas en formar, convertir o hacer crecer cooperativas. Los asistentes a este evento tendrán la oportunidad de programar consultoría y entrenamiento gratuitos con los especialistas en desarrollo de cooperativas de CCNM.
Este seminario en línea se presentará en español y en inglés. Habrá subtítulos disponibles.
——> Para inscribirse en Eventbrite<——
Introduction to Cooperatives
We'll cover the basics of the co-op model, give examples of different types of co-ops, and share how to get started on your own co-op idea.

Introduction to Cooperatives: Entrepreneurship for people navigating re-entry / Introducción a las cooperativas: espíritu empresarial para personas que navegan proces de reingreso
Presented by the Cooperative Catalyst of New Mexico, featuring guest speaker Joseph Cureton of Core Staffing and Obran Cooperative.
Fireside Chat - Forming Cooperatives
The world today is not the same as it was a few years ago. The pandemic, economic dislocation, wealth disparities, social injustices, and uncertainty surround us, and we need new tools. Tradition, history, and current research teach us that cooperatives (member-owned, democratically-run enterprises created to provide benefit for members) are one such tool which can have significant impact in underserved communities.
Come join Pamela Standing, Executive Director of the Minnesota Indigenous Business Alliance, Kandis Quam of the Ancestral Rich Treasures of Zuni Cooperative at Zuni Pueblo, and Sandra McCardell, Coordinating Director of the Cooperative Catalyst of NM for stories of cooperatives in this Fireside Chat.
This event is part of the AIBE & Studio G 2020 Virtual Conference. To register and attend this event, and the rest of the conference for free, please click here.
Panel - Native American Small Business
Join Monica Jojola, Sandra McCardell, Elizabeth "Liz" Gamboa, Vanessa Roanhorse, Al Henderson, Rachel Livingston, Jaden Chavez, Gabby Secor for a panel discussion during the AIBE & Studio G 2020 Virtual Conference.
Sign up for the whole day, but don’t miss the panel discussion on Native American businesses at 2:30 pm! Register and attend for free by clicking here.
The Conference Keynote speaker will be Bill Aulet, Managing Director of MIT Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship & Author of Disciplined Entrepreneurship.
Studio G is Arrowhead Center’s world ranked student business accelerator program. In 2019, Studio G was ranked as one of the Top 20 University Business Incubators in the world by UBI Global. Studio G’s mission is to help students start and grow businesses. Studio G is open to students and recent alumni at New Mexico State University & Studio G Sites. For a complete list of Studio G Sites, and to apply visit
The American Indian Business Enterprise (AIBE) program’s mission is to support Native American-owned ventures in New Mexico. Founded in 2019 through support from the Minority Business Development Agency, AIBE is open to all Native American entrepreneurs in New Mexico. For more information

Keeping Money Local Seminar Series- New Business Forms
Organized by The Climate Economy Education Inc., this fall seminar series will explore topics of community self-sufficiency, buying local, developing cooperative employee-owned businesses, and investment strategies that keep money local. CCNM Coordinating Director Sandra McCardell will present on worker cooperatives during the “new business forms” panel. Register at the source link below.
Remaking the Economy: Where to Now? - And Beyond
Where do we go from here? Start by joining The Nonprofit Quarterly for their special Remaking the Economy post-election webinar on Thursday, November 12th at 2 pm EST. This session will focus not on election minutiae, but rather the mid-term and longer-term possibilities for designing a more just economy centered on values of democracy, solidarity, equity, and building community wealth. Guiding the conversation will be Dr. Gar Alperovitz of @democracycollaborative, Laura Flanders of @theLFshow, and Dr. Stacey Sutton, an urban planning scholar at the University of Illinois, Chicago. More info and free registration at:

Cooperativas de Inmigrantes // Immigrant cooperatives
(English translation below)
En todo Estados Unidos, el crecimiento de las cooperativas de trabajadores que son propiedad de inmigrantes ha superado al de las cooperativas que son propiedad de personas que no son inmigrantes. Para las personas con barreras al empleo tradicional, las cooperativas pueden proporcionar un camino único hacia la fuerza laboral. Pueden brindar oportunidades para ser propietario de un negocio sin tener que hacerlo solo.
En un momento en que las comunidades de inmigrantes son particularmente vulnerables, el modelo cooperativo puede ayudar a proporcionar un camino hacia la estabilidad económica y la autodeterminación.
Aprender como empezar
Las cooperativas pueden ser grandes o pequeñas, pueden existir en una variedad de industrias o sectores y pueden existir en varias formas. Independientemente del tamaño o la forma que adopten, el modelo cooperativo ayuda a crear una prosperidad compartida, lo que permite que más personas participen en la economía.
Este seminario web de noventa minutos de Cooperative Catalyst of New Mexico cubrirá todos los aspectos básicos de las cooperativas: qué son, cómo formar una y qué recursos adicionales hay disponibles. Este seminario web tendrá un enfoque especial en su utilidad para las comunidades de inmigrantes, incluidas las historias de éxito relevantes de todo el país, pero la información será aplicable a cualquier persona interesada en aprender más sobre las cooperativas.
Contaremos con oradores invitados de cooperativas propiedad de inmigrantes exitosas (en la etapa de desarrollo) para compartir sus historias y responder sus preguntas.
Este seminario web gratuito se interpretará en vivo al español, con materiales también disponibles en español.
La asistencia es gratuita y está abierta para todos, pero regístrese con anticipación visitando Eventbrite abajo o enviando un correo electrónico a Eva (
Around the U.S., the growth of immigrant-owned worker cooperatives has outpaced that of cooperatives owned by non-immigrants. For folks with barriers to traditional employment, cooperatives can provide a unique path to the workforce. They can allow opportunities for business ownership, without having to go it all alone.
At a time when immigrant communities are particularly vulnerable, the cooperative model can help provide a path to economic stability and self-determination.
Learn how to get started
Cooperatives can be large or small, can exist in a range of industries or sectors, and can take multiple forms. No matter what size or form they take, the cooperative model helps to create shared prosperity, allowing more people to participate in the economy.
This webinar will cover all the basics - what co-ops are, how to form one, and what additional resources are available.
We'll have a special focus on the model's usefulness for immigrant communities, including relevant success stories from around the country, but the information will be applicable to anyone interested in learning more about cooperatives. We will feature guest speakers from immigrant-owned cooperatives that are currently in development to share their stories and answer questions.
This free webinar will be interpreted live in Spanish, with Spanish language translation of materials available as well.
Attendance is free and open to all, but please register in advance via Eventbrite, or by emailing Eva at

Introduction to Cooperatives
This webinar, hosted in partnership with the New Mexico Economic Development Department, will cover the basics of cooperatives - what they are, how to form one, and what additional resources are available.